Wednesday, November 21, 2007

This is the correlation of salvation and love.

Give thanks.
Today. Tomorrow. Every day.
Its sad as a culture we have to set aside one day. ONE day to say what were thankful for. Most of the time. Im unhappy with so much and get so stuck on me. It makes me sick. Whether we admit it or not, theres something we can all be thankful for. Our health. Our relationships. For me, my God. Ive never known love like that. For once. Lets quit complaining. About our situations. Our lives. (or lack of having one). And just appreciate things for once.
Things could be so much worse.
I cant even fathom.
This blog says "our" alot because i don't want to face myself and replace every other word with the pronoun "my".
It's sad.
But true.
Thankfully there's more than this life.


Janna said...

my gosh should be a writer!.. you're good

AE said...

what she said.
I need to look up that one word. haha I feel like an idiot.
I also agree with you... I keep complaining so much. Just now I was complaining about stuff...its just so easy but yah it iS sad. :(

sjaarnaeh said...

I Agree,
My Life Is Great But For Some Reason I Always Find Myself Complaining About The Stupidest Things.

Anonymous said...
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Kelly said...


I definitely just posted as April. I didnt realize she was logged in. Anyways...

That was awesome

CT said...

This was a serious blog. This was an observative comment.

CT said...

That's the title.