Lets just start off by saying that i was off both days this weekend (which never ever happens). Yesterday was CMD at carowinds where i got to see Relient K for the 8th time. I wish we could have been closer to Jon just so he would have been aware of our presence but either way the show was great. I caught Daves drumstick and a kid offered me 50 bucks for it. I told him he didnt understand that it was in fact the drumstick of one, Dave Douglas.
Now...back to what tonight is all about. After I got out of church this morning (which was so routine that the hypocrite in me just had a field day), I was doing what the spanish call nevegar la red. I started reading peoples blogs and one of them had schnecks link on it so i figured why not. I clicked to find a list of 100 things about him. After i read to number two, it was like a race to get done. You dont know how bad you really want to know various random facts about a person that they deem important enough to blog about until you see it for yourself. Needless to say, he has inspired me to compile a list of my own. Somewhat of a self evaluation if you will.
1. For the most part I despise ice. I never put it in my drinks.
2. The sound of ice being crunched is probably my 2nd biggest pet peeve.
3. Only behind smoking, which drives me absolutely mad. If someone could explain a beneficial reason to do it I would consider altering my opinion.
4. I played the saxophone for 7 years starting in the 2nd grade.
5. I hated it all 7 years and finally got brave enough to tell my mom i wasnt going to do it anymore.
6. I love God. Its as simple as that.
7. I fail God more than any other person i have met.
8. Not one person knows more than half of me. The other half i keep to myself.
9. This side is my dark side and I'm trying to become more aware of it so that i understand my limits and my weaknessess.
10. I will never understand why God has been so good to me after all of the flat out moronic things I have done.
11. Besides God, music is the only thing that understands me all the time.
12. I go to a concert at least once every month because its my antidrug.
13. Relient K has been my favorite band since the 9th grade and probably always will be but other bands I love are just as important.
14. I'm in my second year of college and still have no idea what it is I want to pursue in life.
15. After 14 questions I have realized life is not all about me. In fact, its not about me at all.
16. With the exception of one maybe two people, I have no friends where i live. Its not a pity party, but its the truth.
17. I have 8 dogs and they get a good third of my paycheck every month.
18. I complain all the time that i dont understand what God wants me to do or why he isnt showing me but deep down I know it might have to do with the fact that I never ever read my Bible.
19. If you dont know by now, im extremely lame.
20. My social skills are pretty terrible. I like to think otherwise, but deep down its true.
21. My biggest struggle comes in the form of repetance. Its really easy to ask forgiveness, but I hardly ever turn away.
22. Ever since i can remember, Ive always felt like i was destined for something big. But it never happened. Regardless, I still have a sense of hope that doesnt seem to fail.
23. The only food i will not touch is celery. If i wanted to eat something that tastes like bark i would do that on my own time.
24. I pee with the door open. Always.
25. I am pretty extreme and would do just about anything. (i.e. skydiving, any rollercoaster, etc.)
26. My favorite sport to watch is tennis. Im ready to find someone else that has the love for that game the same way i do other than the Brits.
27. Stereotypes make me scream. I dont think most things need a sense of classification.
28. Deep down, I love math and english. I just dont like being forced to write or read.
29. I still have 71 more truths to go.
30. I think depression isnt a problem, but more a part of life. Its something everyone will eventually go through and you just have to know how to overcome it.
(No i am not siding with Tom Cruise).
31. I do alot of things alone. Im not sure if I really prefer it or not, but i can handle it.
32. I dont want to get married til much later in life. Closer to 30.
33. I also dont want to attempt to plan my life out, then there would be no point in living it.
34. I have pretty big problems with self image. Especially for a guy.
35. I remember getting made fun of middle school and not even caring. It was actually really wierd but it never phased me.
36. Dating is not my thing and im not going to pretend to be married to anyone.
37. I have a fear of life after 30. Not because i will probably be married but because I have this wierd attachment to my youth.
38. When I was 8, I entered a contest to win a cruise and found out two months later i won. I was disqualified because you had to be 18 to enter and was there after grounded.
39. I find it harder to love my family than anyone else in the world and I have no idea why.
40. I check myspace too much everyday and I would like to break away from that habit.
41. My favorite sports to play are volleyball and tennis. Im decent at both.
42. Sometimes I sing at church. Solo. And i have a terrible voice. But its my form of worship.
43. I have fallen out with a lot of things in life. (i.e. youth group, friends, most forms of social life)
44. I have the stupidest hair for a guy. It grows in every different direction possible. I never let it grow out but am finally going to see how it goes.
45. I want my left ear pierced and maybe my lip too.
46. I dont want any tatoos because I just know my skin is going to sag big time.
47. I love everything about 90's nickolodeon. If i could be on Legends of the Hidden Temple I would probably finish olmecs temple in 28 seconds.
48. The number of movies that I have seen is almost unfathomable.
49. My favorite chick flicks are Legally Blonde and Miss Congeniality. Im certainly man enough to admit to this. Other favorites include Best in Show, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Twister, Little Giants, Stranger Than Fiction and Disney/Pixar Creations.
50. Routine equals Insanity. (think about it)
51. Questions and scenarios never stop running through my mind.
52. If i ever become famous, Im not sure how im going to manage my myspace.
53. Im 18 and i just started taking piano lessons. Im hoping it will be better late than never.
54. The only girl ive ever had a serious relationship with cheated on me in 9th grade. Needless to say, I cried for 2 days.
55. I can write like a girl. Better than a girl actually. But this is not a feat i take pride in.
56. I have addictions I need to work on.
57. My first job was cleaning dog poop out of cages at a vet.
58. When i was 5, i won a contest and sang Rudoplph the Red Nose Reindeer on the radio.
59. People let me down a lot.
60. I have way more girl friends than guy friends, and I dont really understand why. Im not a girl. Guys intimidate me more. This is due to fear of rejection.
61. I have never really worked out. Except in middle school gym when we were forced to. But i can run all day.
62. I have a wierd obsession with numbers. Every single day I check box office numbers and every wednesday I check sales at billboard.com. I could care less whos at the top, I just like to memorize what numbers go where.
63. I dont think ive ever had a best friend.
64. The right part of my forehead has a tumor on it and if i turn to the left you can see it. Its not malignant, but it still looks live i have horns about to come out. My mom claims I am, in fact, the antichrist.
65. I dont have a good relationship with my dad and ive always held a grudge against him and even God for that. (you dont have to tell me how wrong it is because i already know and am working on it)
66. For a guy, i dont know much of anything about cars. I couldnt tell you how one actually runs or what is what under the hood.
67. I dont like people who are inclusive.
68. I wish I had someone I could really count on.
69. My first animal was a hermit crab by the name of Jon Jon. One day, he pinched me and from that point on, I never ever acknowlegeded his existence. He died due to dehydration.
70. I have never broken a bone.
71. With a girl, I have never done anything more than kiss. (not even make out)
72. I dont have a bed. Instead, I sleep on a couch in my room.
73. I have been abandoned by people I thought were very close to me more than 3 times.
74. My first celebrity crush was on Hilary Duff and when I was 13 I saw her in concert. This affirms my lameness.
75. I cant decide if i like how my name is spelled.
76. I have over 100 beanie babies.
77. My memory is extremely strong and if you tell me something one time I can almost always remember it.
78. I have never done anything that was classified as extracirricular.
79. I would be more than willing to argue that Pluto is in fact a planet. And that once a body of mass is deemed a planet, that can never be altered.
80. If you asked me to pick a hero i couldnt.
81. I wish i could say that my life has had more interesting things but it really hasnt.
82. Until i was 17, I thought that Jesus laid carpet. As ashamed as i am to admit this, I swear it is 100 percent true.
83. I dont believe anything is unforgivable.
84. I dont believe in abortion under any circumstance. If you want to argue about it fine but im not budging.
85. I prefer to have some kind of juice or water than soda.
86. One time, I told my cousin i would give him 2 reeses pieces if he let my other cousin fart in his face. Luckily, he loved chocolate and I would argue it was my favorite dare ever.
87. I hate when people call themselves emo. Its the stupidest thing ive ever heard. Everyone has emotion. Everyone just doesnt wear them on their sleeve or cry for attention for people to notice them.
88. This is the year i was born in.
89. I hardly ever cry when people die.
90. I like to follow pop cultre alot. But i almost hate myself for doing it.
91. Ive never drank any form of alchohol.
92. The word nipples angers me.
93. One time i met Sterling Marlin at a conveninet store.
94. I won a pair of tickets to meet Diamond Rio when i was 12.
95. I cannot spin in ciricles without throwing up.
96. Im extremely competitive.
97. Noah, Micah, and Aaron are what I would like my children to be called.
98. I have almost drowned before.
99. Im scared of so many diffent aspects of life and ending up alone.
100. I want to impact the world in ways I cant imagine and have all of the reassurance imaginable on my deathbed.